[EN] Indie - The Fan

The Fan

Interactive photo fiction with real location and actors.

Year: 2015
Framework: Independent game project
Status: Expected launch early 2016

Target audience: 16+
Target platform: PC/MAC, Android/IOS
References: Trauma, Fantasmagoria
Development tools: Unity, Lightroom


The Fan official website

The Fan Facebook page


You play as a passionate and successful serial killer, abducting women to fulfill your dark fantasies. Your latest catch lies in your basement but you're not ready yet. Everything needs to be perfect when you show her "True love".

The fan is a first person exploration game driven by a creepy and unsettling atmosphere. Delve into your lair in the Paris undergrounds, break into your prey's apartments and collect what you need to achieve your final love ritual. Be smart, don't let her get away from your embrace, or anybody to get in your way.

Key features

  • Unique visual style based on photography with real locations and actors
  • Unusual perspective : you play as the serial killer
  • Discreet and simple user interface to enhance immersion.



Game Design, Photography, development
